Since 1981, 1131 creative individuals have been named a MacArthur Fellow
Below are just a few of our Fellows to begin your exploration. Click on an image to view more info on that Fellow or begin your own search
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Since 1981, 1131 creative individuals have been named a MacArthur Fellow
Below are just a few of our Fellows to begin your exploration. Click on an image to view more info on that Fellow or begin your own search
Area of Focus
The Area of Focus reflects the work the Fellow was doing at the time of the Fellowship. Fellows may appear in more than one area of focus.
Location at Award
Location at Award reflects the location of the Fellow’s primary place of employment (or permanent home address, if unaffiliated) at the time the award was announced.
Educational Institution
Educational Institution reflects those school/universities from which Fellows received undergraduate or graduate degree. Uncompleted degree work, honorary degrees, postdoctoral fellowships, and residencies are not included here.