The Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission crafted realistic and actionable policy recommendations that address near-term problems and long-term challenges while recognizing the imperative to restore the country's long-term fiscal health. Making an effort to include both Republican and Democratic perspectives in its outreach and research, the Housing Commission draws upon a wide range of viewpoints, bringing together housing experts, business leaders, former elected officials, academics, and other key stakeholders to help define this complex issue.

As the basis for its work, the Housing Commission identified the housing needs of an increasingly diverse American society. The Commission’s recommendations focused on the most appropriate way to meet those needs, including views on the most effective role of the federal government in helping to shape the nation’s future housing landscape. The Housing Commission’s work involves a constructive, evidence-based analysis of the effectiveness of the full range of current federal support to housing, including the impact of appropriations, guarantees, regulations, and tax expenditures.

Housing is an important driver of our national, regional and local economies. The housing finance system played a significant role in the recent U.S. financial crisis and the resulting economic recession. This fragile infrastructure, along with continuing market affordability challenges, impedes a robust economic recovery. The BPC Housing Commission will foster cooperation and ignite a sense of urgency for action among policy makers and legislators on both sides of the aisle.