Total Awarded
1991 - 2016
The Oxfam confederation, comprised of 18 international member organizations, works with people in more than 90 countries to create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and injustice. This award supports the work of Oxfam America’s Accountable Development Finance program in East Africa to ensure transparent and accountable management by extractive industries. Working with local organizations, Oxfam America is promoting sound public policies and implement regulations that promote transparency, accountability, and environmental sustainability and improving protection of community rights and the ability of communities to participate in extractive industry decision-making that affect the environment. It also is promoting transparency and accountable management and distribution of extractive industry revenues in environmentally sustainable, pro-poor investments. Finally, the organization is encouraging multilateral development agencies and extractive industry companies to adopt and implement progressive policies and positions pertaining to transparency and environmental and social safeguards. These measures help ensure that oil, gas, and mining projects support poverty reduction, minimize environmental impact, and protect community rights. Oxfam is developing new partnerships with organizations in the Great Lakes Region and facilitating dialogue among civil society, government, and corporate stakeholders in East Africa to find shared solutions and promote sound management of the region’s abundant natural resources.
Oxfam America (Oxfam) is part of the 15-member Oxfam International confederation. It works in over 90 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Oxfam is ensuring that issues related to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Equator Principles, and other standards are disseminated at all levels and debated in a range of public fora. They are also conducting legal and regulatory framework reviews and monitoring the implementation of laws and standards on behalf of affected communities. The intended outcomes of the award are improved polices at national and regional levels that reinforce grassroots natural resource management efforts.
The grant will support Oxfam’s efforts to help establish and support a highly collaborative civil society advocacy platform in Kenya that works to advance human rights protections and environmental safeguards in the country’s oil sector.
This grant supports the EquiTABLE Food Initiative, a pilot project to field test standards for food safety, environmental sustainability and labor for U.S. produce. The multi-stakeholder effort involves leading food retailers, growers and farm workers, food safety and environmental organizations who have developed the standards and will test them on a limited number of markets as a first phase. Results of this pilot will inform scale up of the standards.
Oxfam America will assist communities in the Lower Mekong that are threatened or affected by extractive resource projects. The grant will support policy engagement at national and regional levels that reinforces grassroots efforts. It will ensure that issues related to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Equator Principles, and other standards are disseminated at all levels and debated in a range of public fora. Oxfam will conduct legal and regulatory framework reviews and monitoring the implementation of laws and standards on behalf of affected communities.
The grant will enable Oxfam America’s Extractive Industries Program to provide technical expertise and assistance at a civil society advocacy workshop addressing oil governance issues in Uganda.
To develop a prototype for a voluntary certification system for fair agricultural labor practices.
To empower indigenous peoples and organizations in the Andean-Amazon in efforts to reduce vulnerability to climate extremes and protect their environments and livelihoods (over three years).
In support of a program to enhance biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods among indigenous groups in the Urubamba-Vilcabamba region of Peru (over three years).
To analyze successful advocacy strategies and disseminate the findings to other nongovernmental organizations (over two years).
To support a program on tribal women's rights with respect to their natural environments, in collaboration with the National Center for Advocacy Studies.
To support the NGO advocacy meeting on U.S. aid to Central America.
To support the collaborative research project A Study of Economic Development Strategies for Indigenous Peoples and Their Territories in the Amazon.
To support A Study of Economic Development Strategies for Indigenous Peoples and Their Territories in the Amazon Basin, under the direction of Richard Smith, in collaboration with Charles Staver and Alejo Zarycki (over two years).