Total Awarded
2015 - 2024
All We Can Save Project
All We Can Save is a fiscally sponsored project of Multiplier. Multiplier's mission is to accelerate impact for initiatives focused on protecting and fostering a healthy, sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. The goal of the All We Can Save project is to resolve the climate leadership crisis. The project pursues its mission by fostering a broad leadership upwelling, enabling many more people to implement climate solutions and create a life-giving future for everyone. This grant provides flexible project support.
Climate Resilience Fund
The Climate Resilience Fund (CRF) is a fiscally sponsored project of Multiplier. Multiplier's mission is to accelerate impact for initiatives focused on protecting and fostering a healthy, sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. The Climate Resilience Fund mobilizes the technical and financial resources necessary to build a climate change resilient society. The Fund does this by aligning resources around targeted efforts to build the technical capacity needed to improve climate resilience locally and regionally throughout the United States. MacArthur’s founding support allowed the Climate Resilience Fund to launch in 2016 as a final effort under the Foundation’s exploratory work on climate adaptation in the United States. This grant renews one year of flexible support for the Climate Resilience Fund to cover a temporary funding gap.
Rural Investment to Protect our Environment
Rural Investment to Protect our Environment (RIPE) is dedicated to supporting climate policy informed by America’s food producers. Based at Multiplier, RIPE’s mission is to cultivate a coalition of agriculture leaders and environmental organizations to champion a climate policy that compensates growers for stewardship practices at rates that reflect the ecosystem service values they deliver to society. This award provides flexible support for RIPE’s operations.
Climate Resilience Fund
The Climate Resilience Fund (CRF) is a project of the Trust for Conservation Innovation (doing business as Multiplier). Multiplier's mission is to accelerate impact for initiatives focused on protecting and fostering a healthy, sustainable, resilient and equitable world. The Climate Resilience Fund mobilizes the technical and financial resources necessary to build a climate change resilient society. The Fund does this by aligning resources around targeted efforts to build the technical capacity needed to improve climate resilience locally and regionally throughout the United States. This award has been provided as a final effort under MacArthur Foundation’s exit strategy for climate adaptation in the United States and supports regranting and core operations for three years. For the first two years of operation the CRF was hosted by the Windward Fund. This award transitions MacArthur’s support for CRF to Multiplier.
cChange is a Fijian non-profit organization that creates communications and social marketing campaigns to support national conservation efforts. The Trust for Conservation Innovation will serve as the fiscal sponsor for this award. This award supports cChange to engage local and national role models in conservation and fisheries-focused messaging and outreach, and to cultivate leadership within the private sector to support more sustainable coastal resource management and action. The strategy was developed in partnership with local conservation groups and is intended to reinforce their respective outreach efforts.
cChange is a project of the Trust for Conservation Innovation that aims to achieve social good in Fiji through innovations in communications. Its programmatic initiatives include empowering local leaders with context-appropriate communications training and tools to create dialogues and social change in their communities. The purpose of this award is to develop an effective long-term and coordinated communications strategy to support behavior change that sustains marine conservation efforts in Fiji. cChange is providing strategic communications capacity building for non-governmental organizations and government agencies, with a focus on building a robust dialogue about resource decline in Fiji, actionable solutions, and encouraging financial and technical support to stakeholders.
The Upper Amazon Conservancy (UAC) and its Peruvian sister organization ProPurús protect the forests and indigenous inhabitants of the Peruvian Amazon headwaters, focusing on two goals: improving the effectiveness of protected areas and strengthening indigenous capacity to participate in and benefit from conservation efforts. In this project, UAC is working closely with nine indigenous communities on the Tamaya and Inuya Rivers to improve vigilance and stewardship capacity of indigenous lands and adjacent protected areas and pursue legal title to communal lands threatened by criminal activities, such as illegal logging and coca trade. These efforts protect human rights and establish cultural and social incentives for conservation in a lawless and remote area of Peru with globally remarkable cultural and biological diversity.