Less than 5 percent of the interventions that aspire to scale—expanding and adapting projects to reach a greater number of people—actually achieve their goal. And even fewer projects are successfully sustained. This webinar demonstrates how you can do much better by adopting systematic approaches to: (1) planning with scale in mind; (2) assessing scalability ;(3) and actively managing the transition to scale. The webinar suggests an approach, framework, guidelines, and tools for performing these three tasks. It also includes a set of lessons about scaling and sustainability drawn from the first round of the 100&Change competition and a range of other applications.
Larry Cooley, President Emeritus, Management Systems International | Curator, Global Community of Practice on Scaling Development Outcomes
Kristen Molyneaux, Senior Program Officer, MacArthur Foundation
Materials and/or Resources
Scalable Solutions in Fragile States
Scaling Up—From Vision to Large‐Scale Change: A Management Framework for Practitioners
Scaling Up—From Vision to Large-Scale Change: Tools and Techniques for Practitioners
Think Big & Communicate Clearly: Bold Ideas for Philanthropy
This webinar series is intended to help 100&Change applicants think big and communicate clearly about the depth, breadth, and impact of their work.
"Big Bets" for Social Change
From Theory to Logic to Action: Your Pathway to Effective Proposals and Driving Change
How Do Funders Think About Impact Investing?
Strategies for Disability Inclusion: Utilizing a Human Rights Framework
Key Learnings from 100&Change
Addressing Common Legal Challenges