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MacArthur today announced $19 million in grants to support leadership by civil society, government, and the private sector on climate solutions that enhance the social, economic, and health benefits resulting from less-costly and less-polluting energy sources across the United States. This new funding builds on the Foundation’s work to prevent climate change by curbing emissions and supporting global leadership.
The Foundation is supporting nonprofit and research groups to work with state policymakers and business leaders on low carbon energy projects and policies that benefit businesses and consumers. MacArthur is also helping to strengthen organizations that give a voice to underrepresented communities most impacted by climate change in the policymaking process.
“Progress on climate and clean energy continues at the state and local levels, and we are seeing growing bipartisan support,” said Jorgen Thomsen, Climate Solutions Director at MacArthur. “There is also increasing private sector leadership making the business case for the transition to a low-carbon, clean energy future. While the progress is encouraging, we also want to help foster an informed, inclusive dialogue about the changing role of energy in the economy and in our communities.”
Today’s announcement brings to more than $120 million MacArthur’s total grantmaking in support of its big bet on Climate Solutions launched in 2015. The Foundation is already focused on building and sustaining sufficient climate leadership throughout the United States to ensure that the nation meets its own responsibilities in addressing climate change. It is also supporting civil society organizations in India to work with India’s government on climate policy, spur renewable energy production, encourage the adoption of clean technology, and explore carbon pricing and emissions trading. The Foundation is also working globally with partners on reducing emissions from short-lived climate pollutants, implementing carbon pricing models, and advancing natural climate solutions.
The following organizations will receive MacArthur’s new grants, arranged here by category:
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Earthworks – $3 million to partner with communities in oil and gas development areas to use optical gas imaging cameras to systematically make invisible methane gas visible and document the scale of the pollution
Encourage public discourse and support leadership on climate solutions
- The Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University – $500,000 to support a Clean Energy Legislator Academy. The academy will engage a cohort of state legislators, and their staff, in identifying clean energy policy gaps in their states and assist them with policy resources that will benefit consumers, businesses, and the public sector
- ClimateWorks Foundation – $500,000 to build capacity that increases and mobilizes philanthropic investments in climate mitigation strategies. This effort supports the international goal to hold the increase in global average temperature this century to well below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial level
- Great Plains Institute – $500,000 to inform state policymakers about the broad economic impacts of low carbon energy sources by catalyzing demonstration projects, organizing expert convenings, and providing reliable research and analysis
- Partnership for Southern Equity – $1 million to work toward balanced growth and shared prosperity by helping local communities lead the charge for energy equity in the American South
- Union of Concerned Scientists – $2 million to educate and inform the public about decisions critical to the nation’s health, safety, and environment; to strengthen a fact-based national climate discourse; and to promote state-based efforts to reduce carbon emissions
- US Climate Action Network – $1 million to build trust and alignment among its diverse, 160+ members on issues about which they are most concerned, including thorugh democratic participation, grants for grassroots members, and network weaving activities
Incentivize a low-carbon economy
- CDP (Formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) – $3 million in support of its unique global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states, and regions to measure and manage the impact of their climate change and environmental footprint, highlights impending financial and operational risks, and makes the information available to investors, policy makers, and the public
- Ceres – $3 million to support efforts to mobilize companies and investor leaders to advance climate and energy policy in the United States and expand the adoption of sustainable business practices to build a low carbon economy
- Climate Policy Initiative – $4.5 million for its work as program manager for the India Clean Energy Finance initiative that increases clean energy deployment and improves energy access in India
The Foundation’s efforts to combat climate change build on its nearly 40-year history in conservation and environmental stewardship, from preserving biodiversity, forests, and waterways to making impact investments and grants that have helped promote and advance energy efficiency and renewable energy.