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TEP LearNigeria Initiative

Lagos, Nigeria


2020 (1 year)

TEP LearNigeria Initiative (TEPLEARN) is a Nigerian registered not-for-profit research and advocacy organization that institutes and implements initiatives to improve standards in Nigeria’s education sector, with a focus on bringing educational solutions to scale. This 12-month tie-off award enables TEPLEARN to consolidate its work on strengthening accountability in the use of the Lagos State Universal Basic Education (LagUBE) funds, and the effective and efficient implementation of the Ogun State Home Grown School Feeding Programme (HGSFP). It also strengthens community advocates and advocacy platforms to continue to demand for accountability in the education sector; promotes public-sector accountability and transparency through strategic communications and technology-driven citizen advocacy; fosters collaboration between the community, policymakers, and the media; and provides trainings for the media on the LagUBE and HGSFP processes to enable them to accurately report on acts of corruption. TEPLEARN is collaborating with other Foundation grantees to implement this project. This award contributes to On Nigeria’s goal of reducing corruption by supporting Nigerian-led efforts that strengthen accountability, transparency, and participation.

2017 (3 years)

The Education Partnership Centre (TEP Centre) is Nigeria’s pioneer education partnership organization, specializing in the design, implementation, support, and evaluation of multi-sectoral partnership programs in the education sector. Its mission is to improve the overall design, implementation, and evaluation of education initiatives through effective, enduring, and scalable partnerships. With this award, TEP Centre is working to ensure accountability in the utilization of Universal Basic Education matching grant-funded projects in Lagos State and the implementation of the Ogun State School Feeding Program. TEP Centre is strengthening the delivery systems of the Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board and the Ogun State School Feeding Program, and supports community-based groups to track the projects implemented by these government agencies. The project contributes to On Nigeria’s goal of reducing corruption by building an atmosphere of accountability, transparency, and good governance.

2016 (2 years 8 months)

TEP LEARNigeria Initiative (TEP LEARN) is the newly formed non-profit arm of The Education Partnership Centre. TEP LEARN is focused on improving the accountability of the education sector through supporting citizen-led assessments and engaging in high level research and advocacy efforts. This final grant to TEP LEARN is focused on continued support to a leading anchor institution for the education sector in Nigeria. During this final phase of MacArthur funded work, TEP LEARN is working towards: (1) demonstrating the efficacy and scaleability of LEARNigeria as a model for strengthening public sector accountability and transparency in the education sector; (2) conducting research and development on various communication/dissemination strategies that generate action amongst differing stakeholders; and (3) growing internal capacity for strategic communication planning in order to build expertise and position the organization to provide ongoing organizational support for other education entities based in Nigeria. Through these linked activities TEP LEARN expects to influence stakeholders, create advocacy momentum, push for accountability measures, and build the capacity of the wider education ecosystem.