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Ingenuity, Inc.

Chicago, Illinois


2024 (3 years)

Established in 2011, Ingenuity seeks to increase access to high-quality arts education -- with equitable representation of students’ diverse backgrounds -- within Chicago Public Schools. To achieve this end, Ingenuity helps to build capacity in education-focused arts organizations, facilitates connections between arts organizations and local public schools, and generates research on the status and impact of arts programing in these schools. Ingenuity also supports the implementation of arts programing through mini grants to arts organizations that can be used to provide supplies to program participants as well as additional resources to local schools to ensure program success. This award provides general operating support to Ingenuity in the Culture, Equity, and the Arts area of the Chicago Commitment strategy.

2021 ( 8 months)

Founded in 2011, Ingenuity seeks to increase access to high-quality arts education that is reflective of the diverse backgrounds of the student population within Chicago Public Schools. Additionally, Ingenuity serves as a hub for Chicago’s arts and cultural sector, conducting research on arts education and providing capacity building for local arts education organizations. This award supports traveling, lodging, and registration fees for Ingenuity’s staff to attend the “rstudio global” (2022) conference. 

2021 (3 years)

Ingenuity seeks to increase the presence of arts-focused programming and education in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). To achieve this end, Ingenuity helps to build capacity in education-focused arts organizations, facilitates connections between arts organizations and local public schools, and generates research on the status and impact of arts programing in these schools. The overwhelming majority of CPS students are Black and Latinx. To advance greater equity in the cultural representations taught in the public schools, Ingenuity emphasizes technical supports for culturally representative arts organizations led by people of color.  This award provides general operating support to Ingenuity as part of the Foundation’s Culture, Equity, and the Arts program.