Edward Witten

Physicist Class of 1982
location icon Location
Princeton, New Jersey
age iconAge
31 at time of award
area of focus iconArea of Focus

About Edward's Work

Edward Witten is a theoretical physicist who works at the intersection of the fields of elementary particle physics and mathematical physics.

His research is focused on elementary particle theory and gravity, with a specific emphasis on string theory as a tool for unifying forces of nature, and on relations between gauge theory, gravity, and geometry.  Witten’s work has played a significant role in shaping cosmological theory and has advanced our understanding of the physical and mathematical implications of supersymmetry.  He is the co-author of Current Algebra and Anomalies (1986) and of the two-volume series Superstring Theory (1988).  He has published over 250 articles that have appeared in such journals as Communications in Mathematical Physics, Nature, Nuclear Physics B, and the Physical Review Letters.


Witten is the Charles Simonyi Professor of Mathematical Physics in the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, where he became a member of the faculty in 1987.  He served previously as a professor of physics at Princeton University (1980-1987).

Witten received a B.A. (1971) from Brandeis University and an M.A. (1974) and Ph.D. (1976) from Princeton University.

Last updated January 1, 2005.

Published on August 1, 1982

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