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University of Illinois at Chicago, Institute of Government and Public Affairs

Chicago, Illinois
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1996 - 2013
  • Categories
    Policy Research


2013 (2 years 3 months)

The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Institute of Government and Public Affairs will use this grant to support the Fiscal Futures Project, which aims to improve the budget process in Illinois. The Institute will conduct objective, broad-based, long-term analyses of budgeting in Illinois, promote this work with policymakers and the media, and work to institutionalize it within the state budgeting process. At a time when policymakers are grappling with pension reform, the upcoming sunset of temporary tax increases, and other fiscal issues, this work will underscore the severity of Illinois’ fiscal situation, and clarify the long-term effects of budgetary choices.

2010 (1 year 6 months)

To support analytic modeling of the Illinois budget (over 18 months).

2001 (1 year)

To support the Illinois Child Care Conference.

2000 (1 year)

To host an informational meeting for the Conference of Women Legislators of the Illinois General Assembly.

1999 (1 year)

To support tax modeling and research for the Cook County Assessor's Tax Policy Forum and to develop a center for the study of metropolitan public finance.

1996 (1 year)

To support a bipartisan conference of Illinois women legislators.