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RAND Corporation

Santa Monica, California


2014 (4 years 6 months)

Founded in 1948, the RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision-making through research and analysis. This project informs U.S. diplomatic and security policy in Asia by assessing why U.S. allies and security partners in Asia have recently begun to break with past practice and established strategic partnerships and deepened defense cooperation with each other—an important phenomenon to understand as it affects U.S. security policy in the region. Through analytic research and interviews, it will examine both external and domestic determinants of evolving defense cooperation in the following Asian states: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and Vietnam. The project will consider a variety of bilateral relationships as case studies in assessing the features and determinants of greater regional defense cooperation.

2014 (3 years 7 months)

The RAND Corporation is an independent, nonpartisan policy research firm that works across a range of areas including health, education, national security, and criminal justice. RAND will use this grant to develop a pilot program to test a risk management framework in two or three cities that face a range of climate threats and are seeking to develop and operationalize transformative climate actions plans. In the process, RAND seeks to identify the principal hurdles to operationalizing climate goals, and prospects for realizing the governance changes needed to build the necessary scale and quality of responses.

2014 (2 years 6 months)

Founded in 1948, the RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis. Through analytic research, this project examines Chinese foreign policy, particularly with respect to Chinese policy and attitudes toward North Korea. It supports the International Peace and Security goal of examining rising powers in Asia and geostrategic relations, and complements nuclear programming. Funds will be used for partial staff salaries, research travel to China, publications, and dissemination of results.

2013 (1 year 2 months)

The RAND Corporation is a non-partisan, independent policy research firm that works across a range of areas, including health, education, national security and criminal justice. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, RAND worked with Gulf Coast states and localities to develop analytical tools and decision frameworks to help communities understand climate risks and develop and prioritize adaptation and mitigation responses. Building on this work, RAND will undertake research to develop metrics to gauge the quality of local government climate adaptation preparedness and the extent to which such capacities are integrated into ongoing land use, infrastructure and human service planning.

2013 (3 years 1 month)

This grant will support a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the RAND Corporation for the project “A Benefit-Cost Framework for State Immigration Policies.” Although immigration policy and immigration enforcement has traditionally been a federal responsibility, a number of states have taken a more active role in the immigration policy arena, largely in response to growing concerns about the costs and impacts of immigration. This four-part project will contribute to a deeper understanding of the economic and fiscal impacts of immigration and immigration policies at the state level.

2012 (3 years 11 months)

The RAND Corporation, a nonpartisan research organization, will evaluate the implementation of the Chicago Regional Housing Choice Initiative pilot—a partnership among eight metropolitan-region public housing authorities that seeks to use tenant-based vouchers to promote upwardly-mobile household moves. This quasi-experimental evaluation will determine which of four interventions are more likely to lead households to move to an "opportunity neighborhood," and establish a baseline for future research that could examine whether residents who move to opportunity neighborhoods achieve improved outcomes (e.g., higher educational achievement among children, job success, and better health) compared to those who do not make such moves.

2010 (2 years)

To study the relationship between social networks and improved outcomes for poor residents of economically-integrated housing or neighborhoods (over two years).

2010 (1 year 6 months)

To research police misconduct complaints in Chicago (over 18 months).

2010 (1 year 6 months)

To research police misconduct complaints in Chicago (over 18 months).

2009 (2 years)

To research inclusionary zoning, as part of the How Housing Matters to Families and Communities competitive grant program (over two years).

2008 (3 years)

To conduct research to expand shadow prices to include more outcomes affected by social programs (over three years).

2006 (1 year)

In support of the project, Valuing Benefits in Cost-Benefit Studies of Social Programs.

2006 (1 year 4 months)

In support of a project to help finalize an ongoing multilateral Track II project Normalizing and Modernizing the North Korean System, to support the development in the U.S., China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, and the DPRK.

2002 (1 year)

To support a Russian-American working group on NATO-Russia relations.

2000 (2 years 1 month)

To support research on the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance abuse (over two years).

1996 (4 years)

To support research on improving the treatment of depression (over three years).

1989 (1 year)

To support the study Accountability in Site-Managed Public Schools: Issues and Approaches.

1989 (1 year)

To study mathematics assessment issues.