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GHP Solutions, LLC

New York, New York


2016 (3 years)

Gynuity Health Projects conducts research, technical support, and training on maternal and reproductive health issues, and has been working in Mexico since 2007. With this award, Gynuity is disseminating international and national guidelines for attending low-risk deliveries in public health institutions to help build supportive environments conducive to enabling midwives to provide quality reproductive health care, including attending deliveries. Trainers are working with health institutions in six to eight states to provide information about task-sharing, and to encourage them to undertake changes toward a women-centered model of care that allows the incorporation of midwives, reduces unnecessary medical procedures during childbirth, and improves the quality of maternal health care.

2012 (2 years 7 months)

With a $150,000 grant over eighteen months, Gynuity will promote knowledge of and compliance with federal guidelines on the use of misoprostol for post-abortion care and miscarriage at health centers that serve youth and indigenous women in three states: Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca. Gynuity will promote improved data collection to ensure that national statistics reflect not only the uptake of misoprostol treatment but also any related decline in hospitalizations that can be attributed to preventing health problems by appropriately administering misoprostol.

2010 (2 years 5 months)

To raise awareness about the use of misoprostol for post abortion care (over 18 months).

2010 (2 years 5 months)

To raise awareness about the use of misoprostol for post abortion care (over 18 months).

2008 (5 years 7 months)

In support of an Arabic language web-based resource center on reproductive health.

2006 (5 years 3 months)

In support of a pilot test of the SpringFusor pump for providing magnesium sulfate to treat pregnant women with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (over two years).

2005 (2 years)

In support of the creation of an Arabic language web-based resource center on reproductive health (over two years).