Professional and Ethical Behavior


It is the obligation of each employee to treat his or her internal and external colleagues, grantseekers, grantees, vendors, contractors, consultants, the media and members of the general public in a consistent, professional and respectful manner. This obligation applies when on Foundation business anywhere, including Foundation premises and other locales around the world, at another's place of business, on a site visit, or in public places.

While not every situation can be anticipated, employees are expected to act at all times and in all circumstances in a manner that reflects good judgment and integrity, is consistent with the highest professional and ethical standards, and in compliance with all Foundation policies.

The consequences for violation of this part of the Code of Conduct can be serious. Each situation will be evaluated based on all relevant circumstances. Disciplinary action can include immediate termination of employment; a warning that further conduct or its equivalent will result in automatic termination; suspension with or without pay; a memorandum to file; training; and other actions determined to be appropriate in light of all the circumstances.

Physical violence against other persons in any form that violates the Code will result in the most severe consequences.