David Rumelhart

Cognitive Scientist and Psychologist Class of 1987
location icon Location
La Jolla, California
age iconAge
45 at time of award
age iconDate Deceased
March 13, 2011

About David's Work

David Rumelhart was a psychologist and a computer scientist who developed models of a wide range of aspects of human cognition.

Rumelhart combined his knowledge of psychology, neuroscience, and computer science in a new approach to the question of how the mind works.  He attempted to relate artificial intelligence to evidence from psychological and biological experiments.  His research interests included machine learning, constraint satisfaction, and knowledge representations.  He was the author of Introduction to Human Information Processing (1977) and co-author of Explorations in Cognition (1975), Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition (1986), Neuroscience and Connectionist Theory (1990), and Philosophy and Connectionist Theory (1991).  He also had many publications on the topic of neural networks.


Rumelhart served as a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and computer science at Stanford University (1987-1998). Prior to joining the Stanford faculty, Rumelhart was a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, San Diego (1967-1987), where he was also the co-founder of the Institute of Cognitive Science.

Rumelhart received a B.A. (1963) from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. (1967) from Stanford University. 

Last updated January 1, 2005.

Published on July 1, 1987

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